International FM Community

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain are Global Issues


The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association is helping to increase international awareness about these conditions. As international organizations such as the International MYOPAIN Society, EULAR and OMERACT, International Association for the Study of  Pain (IASP) continue to expand their efforts to encourage and promote the exchange of international research findings, patients around the globe will benefit as these activities improve the understanding of underlying mechanisms and assessment of fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions. The NFMCPA continues its outreach to encompass International Leaders Against Pain into its Coalition to help spread consistent fibromyalgia and chronic pain advocacy information world wide. 

Some of the medical international pain groups and what they do are listed below:

IMS - The Inyternational Myopain Society promotes international research on soft tissue pain by thoughtful prioritization of needs, by integration of available information into consensus opinion, by establishing working groups on important topics, and by providing funding which can be distributed on a competitive basis to answer critical research questions. The IMS facilitates social interactions between a variety of clinical and basic science disciplines through the Journal, website, international membership directory, and through coordinated work toward meeting mutual needs.

IASP - The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is the leading professional forum for science, practice, and education in the field of pain. Membership in IASP is open to all professionals involved in research, diagnosis or treatment of pain. IASP has more than 7,900 members in 133 countries, 90 national chapters, and 19 Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Founded in 1973, the association is governed by an international Council, made up of Officers and Councilors elected by the membership. Members may also serve on Committees, Task Forces, and Working Groups. 

OMERACT - Outcome Measures in Rheumatology began in the Netherlands in 1992 and is coordinated by an executive committee and supervised by a steering committee. Consensus conferences take place every two years, with locations alternating between North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. OMERACT works under the aegis of the International League for Rheumatology (ILAR) and the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO). Additionally, OMERACT is linked to the Cochrane Collaboration Musculoskeletal Review Group where the outcomes endorsed by OMERACT are recommended for use in Cochrane Systematic

EULAR - The European League Against Rheumatism is the organisation which represents the patient, health professional and scientific societies of rheumatology of all the European nations. EULAR endeavors to stimulate, promote, and support the research, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases. In line with UEMS, EULAR defines rheumatology as including rheumatic diseases of the connective tissue, locomotor and musculoskeletal systems.

Today it is estimated that fibromyalgia affects 7% of the world’s population while chronic pain affects 20% of the worlds population. Although fibromyalgia and chronic pain are universal experiences, the approach to treatment varies greatly from country to country. Patient and medical community international exchanges help us to better understand how to diagnose and treat patients no matter where they are located on this planet.

Articles from Around the World -


Fibromyalgia in Denmark


Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Spain


Hands Across the Ocean


FM Conditions in Japan


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