Alternative Therapies

Successfully Working with PT and OT

Many people with fibromyalgia have seen a physical therapist in their quest for symptom relief. Therapy...[view]


Art & the Art of Managing Pain

I graduated from college in the early 70s, having completed a degree in sociology, with a focus in the...[view]


Thoughts on A New Integrative Approach

What is Integrative Medicine? Integrative Medicine was conceived and organized to enable medical and...[view]


Meditation for Symptom Management

As I look at myself in my daily activities, I can honestly understand how people might conclude that there...[view]


EFT - Using Your Own Healing Energy

Have you ever shuffled your feet across a carpet and then touched something and received a shock...[view]


Alternative Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

Acupuncture, Tender Point Injections, Myofascial Release Therapy, Spray and Stretch Technique, Therapeutic...[view]


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