Take It Easy!



Life may have its hassles, but you can take charge of your stress and take charge of your condition. These techniques will help you act, not simply react.


Breathe! If you are like most people, you use only a small percentage of your lungs.  Make sure you let your rib cage and abdomen expand to take in breath. We all tend to breathe more rapidly and shallowly just when we most need a deep breath. More oxygen to the brain allows clear thinking and good decision-making. 


Breathing for pain management: When you are in pain, inhale deeply and exhale slowly with a "fffffffffff" or "sssssssss" sound.


Get some rest! Allow yourself to take a nap or at least engage in a restful activity. It may be difficult, but try to listen to your body when it tells you, "Enough!" Taking better care of yourself involves practice, but is the key to healthier living.


Be gentle with yourself! Most people with FM are hard on themselves. Try to cut yourself some slack. Do not expect more of yourself than you would of someone else.


Pray/meditate: Medical science has documented the power of prayer and of meditation. Take some time each day to connect with the divine in whatever way is natural for you.

Take things one day at a time: Try to focus on today. Just for today, you can be good to yourself. Just for today, you can take a breath. Just for today, someone else can do the dishes.


Live in moderation: Eat good food, exercise, and try to find the "middle road" in all things. If you live in moderation most of the time, you will feel, and be, more balanced.


Homework I give to my clients:

Each day….

Drink plenty of water to cleanse the system of toxins.

Count your blessings!  Noticing what is good reminds us of what is right in our lives.

Be mindful of your words, and especially of your deeds. 

Tell your loved ones how you feel about them. 

Do something that brings you joy.

Speak in a positive way about yourself.  Do not devalue the beauty of your spirit.


Ronda Del Boccio is a Nationally Certified Therapist of Massage and Bodywork, and a holistic health facilitator. She taught stress management and holistic health at a state college for seven years. She has been certified in massage for eight years, and currently has a private practice near Branson, Missouri. She specializes in working with people who suffer from stress, repetitive use injuries, and chronic pain conditions, including fibromyalgia. Find her on the web at http://ronda.abmp.com/HelpMeRonda/Main/
