In Memory of...
Marla K. Taylor (October 19, 1946 - March 18, 2013)
Marla suffered from fibromyalgia long before it was officially diagnosed. Eventually, she had to leave her secretarial job and take disability, but she refused to quit working until she absolutely had to. She was a very gifted crafter and artist, but again, fibro forced her to give up those hobbies. She only did activities that were "worth the pain." Mostly she refused to give up her grandson's school programs and special events in my life. Never once did she whine or say "Why me?" Even when she was diagnosed with two types of cancer which eventually took her life, she lived ... and died... with courage and dignity. And in the end, she asked that her memorial money go to the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association so that others might not have to suffer like she did. Written by Marla's sister, Mary C. Taylor